
Since 1978

Cast Quality


品质与研发部门的全职员工占公司员工总人数的10%,他们每个人的能力都非常高,而且保持知识更新。 自1993年,我们始终跟随参考规定的发展来调整我们的操作手册与品质程序。 由认证机构实施的多次检查已经肯定了我们针对ISO 9001标准要求以及自己内部的品质体系稳定发展进行持续调整的效果。 此外,CAST的产品已经得到挪威船级社DNV、意大利船级社RINA、德国劳氏船级社Germanischer Lloyds等多家机构的各种认证。

For a Constant Improvement

The staff concerned full time in the Quality and Research is highly competent and constantly brought up to date and represents the 10% of the employees working with our company.
Since 1993 our manual and quality procedures constantly follow the reference rules development.
The numerous inspections carried out by the certification agencies have always confirmed the continuous adjustment to the ISO 9001 norm requirements and the steadfast improvement of our quality system.
Moreover CAST has obtained several Type Approvals for its products range from DNV, RINA, Germanischer Lloyds.

Cast Quality control departments

Our Quality